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My Times Are In Your Hands

I trust in you, O Lord;

I say, ‘You are my God.’

My times are in your hand. Psalm 31:14,15

Feeling a bit down today? Something has happened to bowl you over? This special Psalm (31) is just for you!

The Psalmist (Jeremiah? See Jeremiah 20:6-18) has problems caused by sickness, enemies, physical hardship, social rejection, slander, and conspiracy. But the Psalm is full of images of safety and security: list them! Fifteen times the Psalmist affirms his devotion to God’s service. He commits himself – his person, his times, his trust – utterly to God. His message to us is: whatever life deals up to you, take heart and know that ‘God’s in his heaven [so] all’s right with the world!’

Meditate: Think about your own life in terms of the problem-areas the Psalmist identifies. Then think about all God provides for you – also in similar words to those of this Psalm.

Pray: Perhaps you could write a prayer in your journal which has two columns to it. In the first list your problems, and in the second a praise-sentence against each, beginning, ‘However…’ or ‘But the Lord…’ Yes, Lord, my times are in your hands. Thank you. Amen.


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