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Richard Dawkins and the John Mark Ministries website

In Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion (2006), there’s a quote about/from Martin Luther:

‘Martin Luther was well aware that reason was religion’s arch-enemy, and he frequently warned of its dangers: “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God”.’ (footnote 85 p. 190).

Now, where did Dawkins (or his research assistant) get that quote? Voila: http://jmm.org.au/articles/14223.htm – a list of Martin Luther Quotes posted by a netfriend somewhere, purportedly from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther).

Now if Dawkins’ citations aren’t closer to original sources than this example, you’d wonder about his integrity eh? See http://www.faithfullyliberal.com/?p=869

Shalom/Salaam/Pax! Rowland Croucher


February 2010


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