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Interview Questions For A Prospective Youth Pastor

What do you feel are the most important issues facing youth today? From your experience, what do you believe are the most important issues the corps youth are facing at the moment How would you confront those issues?

What is your vision for the youth group in the long term? What do you believe are the most pressing needs in terms of the structure of the youth programs at the moment? What will be your first course of action were you to receive the position? What recommendations would you make to improve our worship services in order to make them more attractive to youth? Can you anticipate possible problems that may arise as a result of your ideas for the youth?

What do you see as your personal strengths? What do you acknowledge as your weaknesses? What discourages you, and if you are attacked spiritually, where are you first hit? What challenges do you believe you face in terms of spiritual growth? Do you have a spiritual director? A personal mentor? How well do you think you would deal with the inevitable criticism you would receive (particularly from parents)? How would you respond when/if confronted?

How would you plan on maintaining a strong relationship with your children, and how do you think motherhood and this particular employment would mix? Do you believe your kids would support your ministry? How would you implement your many ideas without having a nervous breakdown? What do you do for self-preservation?

Do you have strong personal convictions re issues such as sexuality, smoking, language etc? Do you believe you are ready to answer questions re apologetics? If you discovered one of the youth was compromising your moral beliefs in a particular area, what would you do? What if it was a youth group leader? If a youth leader disagreed with you in areas of apologetics, what would you do? What would you look for in a youth group leader? How would you train your leaders, and nurture their growth?

What do you believe are the areas beyond your knowledge/expertise? If a young person approached you with an issue that you felt was beyond your expertise, what would you do? Do you have some ideas as to where to refer the youth? In what areas do you believe you need training? Are you willing to undertake training/courses/reading to develop your knowledge and skills? How important to you is delegation? Which tasks would you tend to delegate to others, and for which would you maintain sole responsibility? How do you plan to use the individual spiritual gifts of the young people? What do you believe should be the basis of a small group?


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