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Annual Retreats

For interest: here’s an annual event which has been part of my life for many years. Rowland.


I’ve been asked to write a short report on the Annual Retreats which have been part of Baptist pastors’ (and recently, also their spouses’) life for several generations in Victoria.

These 2-3 day residential retreats have provided encouragement, inspiration, relaxation, and networking opportunities over many years, and for the first time in living memory, this year’s retreat had to be cancelled due to insufficient numbers to make it viable.

Many of us have happy memories of these occasions. Last year’s contributors – Keith Dyer, Geoff Blackburn, Alan Marr, Andrew Woff – gave some outstanding offerings on various topics.

Probably the time has come to reassess this annual event. Thirty years ago when I first attended, Anglesea was our venue: more recently we have been to several centres, including Pallotti College Millgrove, Lake Burnbrae Lodge and Myrniong.

The ‘church growth’ experts tell us that churches fall into one or two of four categories – shopping mall (megachurches), boutique groups catering for a specialized clientele, franchises which model their operations on another ‘successful’ church, and ‘corner store/parish churches’ which try to cater for everybody, and are often struggling to survive.

Our pastors’/spouses’ retreats probably fit into the latter category. Specialized opportunities for getting together have sprung up throughout our State (RevUps, Whitley Schools of Ministry, Intentional Interim Ministry, local/regional prayer groups, Prayer Summits, Baptists Today, John Mark Ministries’ ‘Renewal’ groups, Crossway/Careforce/Bill Hybells conferences etc. etc.) .

And yet… is there a need for an opportunity to mix recreation-with-inspiration State-wide? I would hope so. I spoke at last years’ NSW Baptist pastors’ retreat, where about 80-90 attended. The recent Churches of Christ Ministers’ retreat saw about 45 attending (at Anglesea!): should we perhaps join with them, as we are increasingly doing at other levels?

Those interested should contact Andrew Woff, Harley Kitchen, Darrell McKerlie, or Geoff Leslie, who are still strong believers in the value of Retreats. (I am too, but have had to bow out of an organizational role due to other commitments. But when they’re resurrected, I hope to participate again).

Rowland Croucher John Mark Ministries ( http://jmm.aaa.net.au )

September 2005.


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